A very human approach
to the human experience.

About Three Peaks

This human experience can be one that’s full of challenges —

where guilt and shame around whether we’re doing it right can cut us off from connection with others.

Every aim of Three Peaks is to help children, youth, and the adults that advocate for them find confidence, independence, and to navigate those challenges with a little more openness, a little less comparison, and a whole lot more trust in themselves.

Three Peaks Counselling and Sex Education

And, to normalize what it means to be human.

To show up with honesty, curiosity and courage…and give others permission to do the same.

To show our own scars and scabs, so other people can show theirs.

Ultimately, to end the isolation and aloneness of shame and guilt, and create a community of people brave enough to share their truth, ask meaningful questions, and grow.

To show up with honesty, curiosity and courage…and give others permission to do the same. To show our own scars and scabs, so other people can show theirs. Ultimately, to end the isolation and aloneness of shame and guilt, and create a community of people brave enough to share their truth, ask meaningful questions, and grow.


The mission?

To create spaces to learn that are safe and inclusive.
To provide tools that help children, youth and adults lead themselves and their communities.
To empower others to thrive – in their bodies, minds, and souls.

Here’s how it happens

Your story, your questions, your inquiries, your truth – it’s all safe here. And not only safe, but welcome; wherever in your journey you find yourself. You’ll be met with respect, openness, care, and trust, and whatever we discuss at any point of contact remains in the safe space that is our dialogue.

There’s power in numbers. And there’s no one experience that anyone should have to feel alone in navigating. Through building relationships and forging meaningful connections we’re capable of creating an unstoppable momentum towards a new reality. Let’s be unbreakable – together.

You’re the expert of your own life, lived experience, classroom, child…the list goes on. I have my own expertise; certifications and degrees and trainings and professional insights. When we bring our brains together to create a tailored solution for the kind of support you’re seeking, what we can co-create will fit – because it reflects your expertise and is backed up by mine.

Our co-created solutions empower you to make the choices that work best for you.

Wherever you find yourself, you’re welcome here. And you’ve got a partner in navigating anything you’re experiencing; one who’s lived a lot of life and who wants to help you in your process. This is a supportive safe space where you’ll be seen, heard, respected, and celebrated for where you are, and where you’re going (and every stop along the way).

The future is yours, and ours, to create. We have the potential to create incredible change within ourselves, and with the community as a whole. Every moment is an opportunity for choice, and an opportunity for change. Wild enthusiasm for what’s possible that sparks this work, and bold curiosity for what we can create together spurs it forward.

Get to know the heart, mind, very fast feet and ever-expanding brain behind Three Peaks.

Meet Julie


Having support makes all the difference.

And having seen a lot of life, and living what feels like 100 of them already, I know the need for reaching out and leaning in…and how it can be a literal (and metaphoric) life line.

From experiencing the loss of a child to the many chapters that brought deep challenge and great opportunity, I’ve navigated life fuelled and inspired by my family. Specifically, my girls. The spark to my internal flame and the reason for getting out of bed every day (even really early on weekends to get them to luge practice), creating a future I’m proud for those girls to experience and lead is the catalyst to all the work I do inside Three Peaks.

With education and empowerment as the golden thread that knits Three Peaks together, my experience as a social worker, clinical counsellor (both privately and in schools), yoga teacher, sleep consultant and teacher allows me to offer a unique approach to hosting and navigating the hard, and most transformational, conversations.

It’s my greatest goal to end stigmas and shame, obliterate isolation and loneliness, and bust taboos for kids and adults alike. To make asking questions a safe and easy experience, encourage curiosity, to amplify dialogue, and create communities that lean into one another – not away.

To give back, and create change. And to work with you in seeing and experiencing it in your life.



“I was lucky enough to see Julie while I was a teenager in and out of the hospital with eating disorders and complex medical issues. She was the compassionate, understanding, and knowledgeable ear that I needed when I was angry and feeling like my life was out of control.”


“Working with Julie helped me to develop the perspective that I needed in order to grow towards a healthier place in my relationship with myself, and with all of the people working to help keep me alive.”

Empowered youth

Help transform the children and youth in your community.

Start the ripple effect. Make waves.

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